We produces designs in the highest possible architectural spirit with particular emphasis on contextualism.

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Formerly known as ARKISKAPE KONSULTANT is a Kuching based firm of consulting architects established in 1979 with the primary objective of providing comprehensive architectural services in both the government and private sectors in order to meet the demand of the fast developing state of Sarawak.

The Most Inventive Spaces

We have undertaken a wide range of architecture and urban design projects since establishment particularly in Kuching and Bintulu. The firms projects have included development in the commercial, housing/ industrial, medical,
public utilities/ religious and institutional fields.

What We Do






Meeting client needs while ensuring value for money without departing from practicality and functionalism


Providing Comprehensive Architectral Services Since 1979

Meeting client needs while ensuring value for money without departing from practicality and functionalism

Arkiskape Logo

Featured Work

Major projects handled by the firm range from the Master Plan of the Bintulu Town Extension Project to residential and commercial developments in Bintulu, Kuching, Sibu, Miri and Betong.

KPJ Kuching Specialist Hospital



State Government Office Complex

Serian New township


Centre of Technical Exellences (CENTEX)



About Us

Practice Statement

The new millennium will see social, technological changes, evolution and increasing environmental awareness a challenge which pushes architecture to new frontier.

Striving to compete in this increasingly globalized and economic-driven world, we practice by analyzing our clients’ needs and expressing them by producing designs in the highest possible architectural spirit (with particular emphasis on contextualism) to ensure value for money, without departing from practicality and functionalism.

Company Structure

 The firm has a strong bumiputera participation and is managed by the Board of Directors consisting of a Managing Director and an Executive Director. We have a well-trained team of professionals/draughts-persons/AutoCad operators and extensive backup facilities.

The firm is fully computerised with the installation of Auto Cad draughting system which speeds up the design process with a high level of creativity and improved productivity from sketch design to contract documentation and working drawings.

Professional Affiliations

ARKISKAPE SDN BHD is registered with Lembaga Arkitek Malaysia (LAM), Kementerian Kewangan Malaysia (Treasury), Unit Pendaftaran Kontraktor dan Juruperunding (UPKJ), Housing Development Corporation and Syarikat Perumahan Negara Berhad (SPNB)


We have undertaken more than 100 works of architecture and urban design projects since establishment particularly in Kuching and Bintulu. The firms projects have included development in the commercial, housing/ industrial, medical, public utilities/ religious and institutional fields.

Building A Better Future


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International Awards

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Contact Us


32F, 1st Floor, Mendu Commercial Centre Phase 3, Jalan Mendu, P.O.Box 2283, 93746 Kuching, Sarawak




082 – 337 268
082 – 337 568

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